Salmon Tacos

Salmon Tacos

When I was in high school, I started to watch cooking shows religiously. I had 2 favourites, one of which was Ina Garten. She is extremely relatable, making everyday recipes super easy. Her tag line “how easy is that?” rings true to her cooking. She is an inspiration to many home cooks, including myself. When I saw her make these salmon tacos, I knew I had to try it. Not only do I LOVE tacos. I mean, really! Have you ever met a taco you didn’t like!? But at the same time, I wanted to put my twist on things.

So here you have it, the yummy yenta twist on a barefoot contessa favourite. I added spices that I enjoy to the salmon and I swapped out cabbage slaw for fennel slaw. I added sour cream to the slaw and opted for sliced avocado vs. guacamole. This dish screams summer- but can be eaten all year round!

So, whether you like Ina’s version, or mine, these salmon tacos are worth gossiping about!


Salmon Tacos with Fennel Slaw

Yield: 4 servings

4 pieces salmon
Generous sprinkle each of smoked paprika, chipotle chilli powder, garlic powder, salt and pepper
2 limes, sliced
1 fennel head, sliced very thinly
2 small cucumbers, sliced thinly
1/4 cup white vinegar
2 tbsp sour cream
1 tbsp fresh dill and/or parsley
Salt and pepper
1-2 avocados, sliced
12 taco tortillas

1. In a baking pan, spray with cooking spray, place the salmon on the tray and generously sprinkle with each of the spices.
2. Place cut up limes on top of the salmon and bake in oven at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, mix together fennel, cucumber, vinegar, sour cream, fresh herbs and salt and pepper. Set aside.
4. Remove salmon from oven, flake into chunks with a fork.
5. To assemble, warm tortillas in microwave for 30 seconds to soften.
6. On warm tortilla place slaw, salmon chunks and sliced avocado. Serve with lime. Enjoy!