Bagel and Lox Platter

Bagel and Lox Platter

A big part of the Jewish culture is brunch. I think the thought of sleeping in on weekends and then having a larger meal between breakfast and lunch really appeals to a lot of people. Sweet or savoury, this meal has become a staple in our home. My husband LOVES brunch. Any food breakfast style is his favourite. We have had many nights where I would make breakfast for dinner because it’s easy and I know he will enjoy.

Any Jewish breakfast, lunch or brunch table would not be complete without bagels, lox and schmear. Schmear is a spread- something you would put on a bagel. Common brunch schmears would be cream cheese, tuna and egg salad.

I created this lox platter because every brunch table needs one and this one has that wow factor. It has everything you need on one tray- the bagels, schmear, lox and various veggie toppings. This platter is a small version, but you can add more layers and many more bagels and serve a hungry crowd.

So, grab your brunch staples, your favourite toppings and customize your own bagel and lox platter! This platter is worth gossiping about!


Bagel and Lox Platter


Bagels, cut in half
Cream cheese, 1 tub
Cucumber, sliced
Red onion, thinly sliced
Lemon, sliced and halved
Tomatoes, sliced
Radish, sliced



1. Use your discretion in terms of quantity, depending on how many people you need to feed.
2. Using my photo as a guide- or be creative yourself- arrange the bagels, lox, cream cheese and toppings on a large tray or wooden board. Enjoy!